
Leek Club Day 2024

Thank You: Annual Leek Club Day

Dear Barrie,

On behalf of the Annual Leek Club Day Committee, thank you so much for your support on Saturday 13th July 2024. We truly couldn’t have done it without you. So thank you for your support, flexibility and kindness.

Kind Wishes,


Welland Steam Rally Tractor Pull 2023

British Connemara Pony Society 2022

Vulcan XM655 Taxi Event, Wellesbourne Airfield 2022

Hello Barry

Thank you for all your support on Sunday. You set the system up brilliantly and so quickly too and many people have told me how professional the sound system was. I didn’t get to see you as you left so say thank you but I look forward to seeing you and/or Bobby on Sunday 18th September.

Best wishes

Michael Pollitt
XM655 Maintenance & Preservation Society

BCPS Breed Show 2021




Vulcan XM655 Taxi Run, Wellesbourne Airfield 2021

Hi Barrie/Bobbie,

Many thanks for your excellent service on Sunday.

Best regards,
Eric Ranshaw
XM655 Maintenance & Preservation Society

North Wales Classic Car & Motorcycle Show 2019



Bromyard Poppy Pageant 2018

Woo Fest 2018

Malvern Wells Village Hall

Christ Church Llangrove

Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice

Leek Club Day

Just to say a special thank you to you and your crew for providing an excellent sound system for our annual festival Saturday. I think this year was the best yet.

We have had lots of favourable comments both from our review meeting Monday evening and from the public, particularly about the clarity of the sound. It was good to have finally conquered the dreadful ‘feed-back’ experienced so often in the past with our previous providers, which caused great distress to those leading worship.

Apart from a little problem now at the bottom of the Market Place of which you are aware, next year should be perfect.

Once again a sincere thank you to you all for the courteous, friendly and very helpful service you provided for Leek Club Day 2009.

I would like to take this opportunity to make a firm booking for your services again Saturday 10th July 2010 and will forward a deposit in the New Year.

Wishing you every blessing
Pat Bladwin (Co-ordinator – Leek Club Day)

Remembrance Sunday

On behalf of the Mayor, Councillors and everyone else involved with the service and parade on Sunday, I would like to thank you for your contribution.

This was my first “solo” Remembrance and knowing that I am able to rely on your company is a great comfort and I hope you will be able to help us out in future years.

Thanks again. Kind regards.

Yours sincerely
Jennie Ingram PA to the Mayor

St. Lawrence Church

Re. St Lawrence Church, Lindridge. The Vicar and churchwardens tell me that they have tried the system out StLawrence Churchand are delighted with it, so many thanks to you and your staff for doing such a good job for us. I have passed the invoice on to the church committee for their attention. No doubt you will be hearing from them shortly.

Once again, many thanks.
Vicki Stevens.

Theatre Possible

I hope to make other deals with you in the future, because it was very clean, clear and professional

Denis Mpunga.

Countryside Alliance

Thank you and your team very much indeed for all your hard work in supplying the Countryside Alliance with radios at Parliament Square, the P A system, and all the radios at Brighton.
You did a splendid job in a difficut situation especially at Brighton with all the anti’s trying to sabotage the PA system at the Convention Centre. We could not have had a rally without all your generous support.

Simon Hart

The Wyche Free Church

On behalf of those meeting at the Wyche Free Church I am writing to thank you for the good work you have done for us in installing the loop system. This is much appreciated by all. The system is of great benefit to those who have hearing aids. It is not the volume that is the trouble, but being able to understand. Listening to a speaker through amplifiers confuses the definition of the sound. With the loop, one hears the voice, and that only.


St. Richards Hospice – Worcester Carnival

I did not have time to say thank you for all your efforts at the above event on Saturday, but would like to state how grateful we were to you to fit us in at such short notice. The equipment and service was first class and we would not hesitate in recommending your company or using your services again when the need arises. Thank you again for your excellent support.

Over 50 years of Sound service!